February 2025 UK Tournament Tryouts

Are you ready to take your soccer skills to the next level?

We're on the lookout for talented U16 players to jhoin our international tournamenty team for the upcoming tournament July 6-13 in London, UK


Greenbrier Middle School


for all days

Available for

Boys and Girls
Ages U16

Time & Dates

February 16 & 23. March 2,16, 23 & 30

To register, fill the form below. All fields are required.
Please fill one form and make one payment for each player.

    Registration Form

    ----- Player Info -----



    ----- Player Position -----

    "When PAST meets PRESENT, to influence the FUTURE.
    An experience unrivalled & memories to last a lifetime.
    There is simply no better tournament on UK soil".

    Once you've sent the Registration form, please click the button below for payment.